TD Bank and Greenscape Plant Trees in Mallison Park
TD Bank and Greenscape recently planted 35 trees in Mallison Park as part of TD Tree Days, a nationwide campaign that has planted 13,000 trees since 2011.
First Coast News: Great Tree Giveaway
The Great Tree Giveaway, a beloved annual event, occured this weekend at the stadium. Greenscape of Jacksonville, Inc. gave away up to 2,000 free trees to the public. Watch the broadcast to find out why it's an important event and how you might learn more about...
Historic Gift DOUBLES Greenscape Endowment
Historic Gift DOUBLES Greenscape Endowment Jacksonville, Florida, September 13, 2024 – Jacksonville’s oldest tree advocacy organization is pleased to announce it has received the largest gift in its 49-year history, doubling its endowment. Greenscape of Jacksonville,...
Tree Care
How to Plant a Tree: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide
Planting a tree is a rewarding activity that contributes to the environment and enhances your landscape. Watch the video below or follow this in-depth guide to ensure your tree thrives for years to come! Shovel Rake Hand Saw Pruners Watering Can/Hose Mulch Begin by...
7 Common Tree Defects
It's crucial to be aware of potential tree defects that can pose safety risks or indicate underlying health issues. Here are the top seven tree defects to watch out for: Dead or Broken Branches: Dead branches or branches with no leaves are a significant hazard as...
How To Find a Tree Expert
Studies show that proper pruning can reduce wind damage from storms and cure defects that may add years of life to your tree. A certified arborist has specialized knowledge and expertise in tree care. They can assess the health and structural integrity of your...
Tree Tales
JEA – a Tree-Line-USA®
JEA – a Tree-Line-USA® The story of Jacksonville’s treasured tree canopy has many story lines and chapters. JEA’s designation as a Tree-Line-USA® is just one of them. The Tree-Line-USA® program is one of a suite of “Tree-USA” programs promoted by the Arbor Day...
Serenity Garden
Every tree is a living legacy that links generations of Jaxsons together. Get to know some of our region’s most storied trees, as well as the people who have found shelter, inspiration, and enlightenment under their branches.