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Tree Care and Maintenance

Tree Care and Maintenance

Come help us water newly planted trees at Julius Guinyard Park, just north of downtown Jacksonville.  Spend an hour in a lovely park, meet new people, and help your community. All supplies provided.  Sign up here to volunteer.  Thank you!

Earth Day Tree Care and Park Clean Up

Volunteers Needed!  Join us to celebrate Earth Day as we water, mulch and fertilize recently planted trees, and clean up this historic S-Line Urban Trail.  Tools, supplies and drinking water will be provided.  Volunteers sign up here.

Community Tree Planting

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Help us improve water quality in the McGirts Creek watershed!  Sponsored by FedEx and One Tree Planted, we’ll plant, water and mulch 100 trees on two Saturday mornings in March.  We’re collaborating locally with St. Johns Riverkeeper. ...